Souls follow Jesus in Waidina

29 Oct 2023

Souls follow Jesus in Waidina

In the heart of Fiji's hard-to-reach province of Naitasiri, the Adventist faith had long been met with rejection in most parts of the province.

Over the past decade, Adventists and new converts faced physical and verbal abuse, as animosity towards their beliefs grew.

Yet, through the power of prayer, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the unwavering dedication of church members, including Adventist teachers assigned to the province, the church has steadily gained ground, establishing its presence in new villages and districts.

On Sabbath, October 28, a momentous baptism took place in Navurevure Village, Waidina, Naitasiri at the conclusion of a three-week evangelism by evangelist Samuela Koro.

The village had only two elderly Adventist members, but over the years, Adventist teachers posted to the nearby primary and secondary schools established regular worship in the village each Sabbath.

These faithful teachers, along with the devoted elderly couple, gathered in a home to worship each Sabbath, often welcoming visiting members from other Naitasiri churches.

Their steadfast commitment contributed to the success of the evangelism program, resulting in the baptism of 28 new souls from Navurevure Village and nearby communities.

The journey was not without challenges and obstacles, which seemed to arise daily. Nevertheless, God's faithfulness was evident, ensuring the success of this important meeting, as noted by retired minister Orisi Lutunaivalu, who was part of the mission.

As the program concluded, requests poured in from other villages for transportation to the evangelism venue. While it was too short notice, the faithful continue to pray for more such programs in Waidina and beyond.

Fiji Mission president Nasoni Lutunaliwa preached at the baptism service and also led a team of ministers at conducting baptism at the Waidina River.

Joni Vatuvatu
